Look at me getting a jump start on my new years goals! Becoming more organized is one of my goals for 2012 and here on the first day of 2012 I have created a filing system to go in our kitchen. Thanks to one of my fellow
pinners for giving me LOTS of ideas on my project! I let my sister in-law borrow my camera to take pictures at a wedding, so this picture was taken with my ipad... not quite the quality of my Cannon... but you get the picture :)
I bought a big bin to hold all of my hanging folders in from Walmart, it was like maybe $10.00. Then I came up with my folders....
1. Dinners- One of my next goals is to make dinner lists for 2 weeks at a time. My hope is that I will be more motivated to cook when I know what I am making and that I have all of the ingredients, in advance.
2. Recipes- Some of the recipes that I use most often, so the ingredients are at my fingertips
3. Grocery list- I want to keep a running list of items I need so when we are ready to go shopping I already have a list made.
4. to file
5. Bills
6-8 One for each of us here
9. Stamps and mailing supplies
10. Receipts
11. New Years Goals
12. 30 Before 30- My husband and I are both close to turning 30 in the next year and half. So we have made a list of 30 things to do before we turn 30! I want to keep track of our "doings" and hopefully take pictures of them to store in this file.
Pretty proud of myself! Day one I've already marked an item off of my New Years Goals list!