Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Story from work

Today I would like to share with you a story from work. I work in a rural area school, one of my favorite custodians stopped by my office for a chat. I like to call him John Wayne, because he reminds me of him a little bit. Somehow we got on the topic of the dentist. He told me that he doesn't go to the dentist but once every couple of years. He told me it wasn't as neccessary as people say it is. The last time he went the dentist, he told him he needed to have a root canal that would cost upwards of a couple hundred dollars. John Wayne said, "A couple hund-red dollars?! How much is it to pluck it outta 'air?" The dentist told him 45 dollars. So John Wayne said, "Pluck it out." The dentist told him it was a permanent tooth and it wouldn't come back. John Wayne said, "Pluck it out." So the dentist pulled his permanent tooth.
I found it so amusing. I love his verbage and enthusaism in telling me this story. I believe I will start using the word "pluck" for pull.


  1. i can not believe he asked him to "pluck" out his tooth! OMG is he going to get a fake one to replace it!?

  2. ummm...his name really is John Wayne. Seriously. I think that makes it even funnier!
