Yesterday after too much work at my school, mom and I headed the Nationally known Hillsville fleamarket. It is miles upon miles of a fleamarket. There are knock off purses, glass ware, metal pieces, jewelery, guns, so much.... I actually was looking some mismatched chairs to "touch up" and paint a deep, bright red for my front porch. I didn't find any chairs, that I were within my price range, but I found much more! Mom and I both found all kinds of deals!!

These are all of my goodies!

This is possibly a gift for a coworker... I might keep it hehehe

I love the primitive looking stuff :)

I saw this flag and had to have it! I love it :)

This is probably my favorite find. I looked at turquoise jewlerly all day and finally found a bracelet! Every stand I went to the turquoise jewelery was like 400-600 dollars! I talked the guy down to 10 dollars! I love it!
Mom found a stunning bracelet too. I wish I would have taken a picture of it.
Such a fun day! I'm tired today and paying for it though lol
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